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Carlos Cairo was born in Cologne (Germany) on August 8th 1938 from Thomas Reimbold and Marie Luise Von Champenhausen, a baroness of Balkan origins. His real name is Christian, Michael Reimbold. Since generations art has been a constant element in his father's house. His grandfather was not only an industrial manufacturer, but also an adventurer, a collector of art and a greatly talented landscape-painter. His talent was inherited by his son, Thomas, who, after having completed his law studies, became a sculptor and a writer. Young Christian Michael, discovered very soon to have talent for art and had the great luck of meeting teachers who encouraged this. During his last school years spent in Cologne he started a band " The Modern Jazz Youngsters ".
There followed numerous concerts, also at the radio. Among the many musicians, he played with the saxophonist Lee Konitz at the BFN (British Forces Network). After having graduated at a classical liceo and after a short working experience in a private bank of Hamburg he became irresistibly attracted by far-off countries. This is why he decided to go to Istambul, where he found a job as a management assistant. However, due to the military takeover of 1960, he was forced to go back to Germany. During the sixties he studied national economics in Berlin and Tübingen. In Berlin he attended drawing courses at the Academy of fine arts. During the seventies he travelled far away, to Africa, America and the Far East. At the end of the '70's C.M.Reimbold moved to Rome, where he decided to dedicate himself to the art, at the beginning as a painter and in the last years as a writer too. Since 2008 Carlos Cairo has written 5 Novels: “Im Schatten der Nerone 1: Das Duell”; “Im Schatten der Nerone 2: Rubins Rache”; “Der Lottocoup”; “Wie Phoenix aus der Asche” and “Eine teuflische Falle”.

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